How to use this file: Download and make a digital copy of this file. You can share it with students using Google Classroom or a Google Drive shared folder.
Students open this template using Google Sheets. Students enter their own title and spreadsheet data. Students create a chart using their data. Students add a relevant picture.
To download: While signed in to your Google account, click the download link, then choose "Make a copy". This will put a copy of this file directly in your Google Drive storage. You can share it with your students using Google Classroom or a Google Drive shared folder.
Troubleshooting: First, make sure you are really using a GOOGLE email account. Then, if you tried to download this template but instead you seem to be stuck with a "View Only" copy in your browser that says "Request Edit Access" or similar, then stop right there. Find and click "File" on the top menu, (top left?) and then choose to "Make a copy". That will get you a copy that is editable.