My Feelings About School
Page Generator
Students: Write your feelings about school with this easy page generator. Choose a page border and emoji clipart. Read each question, add your feeling emoji, then add a short explanation. When you are done with all the questions, click "Generate It!"

How I Feel
When it is time to go to school.

When I am in my new classroom.

When I meet new students.

When I have a new teacher.

When it's time for recess.

When the teacher calls on me.

When I have homework to do.

When it's time to go home.

Research Graphic Organizers
Online Graphic
Organizer Generators
Use these easy and fun online research graphic organizers to guide research about a chosen subject. Customizable with a variety of background choices and font styles. Print finished research or save as .pdf to go paperless!
Graphics Credits:
Back to School
Fun, Online No Prep Activities
Get to know your students with these ready to go no-prep online activities. Students will love these fun and customizable "getting to know each other" activities.