Copy and Paste - Classifying Animals
Online Practice

Students practice copying and pasting animal and insect images online. Students classify images as insects, amphibians, mammals, fish, reptiles, or birds. Students copy and paste images into the matching boxes.

Students use the mouse to "right click copy" and "right click paste".


Graphics Credits:


Copy and Paste
Online Skills Practice

Use these fun online word and picture matching activities to build and improve essential copy and paste skills.

Copy and Paste | Push and Pull Copy and Paste | Positional Words Copy and Paste | Fraction Images Copy and Paste | Classifying Animals Copy and Paste | Technology Words Copy and Paste | Living Things Copy and Paste | Ladybug Math Copy and Paste | Solids, Liquids, Gases Copy and Paste | Animal Words

Writing Graphic Organizers
Online Graphic Organizer Generators

Personal Narrative | Online Graphic Organizer Sentence Stretcher | Online Graphic Organizer Hamburger Paragraph Generator | Online Graphic Organizer
If I Were President | Poem Generator Friendly Letter | Online Graphic Organizer OREO Opinion Generator | Online Graphic Organizer