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Python Scatter Plots

Scatter Plots in Jupyter Notebooks

This article describes how to create a Scatter Plot Charts from a CSV dataset file using Matplotlib & Seaborn. The CSV dataset file (penguins_size.csv) was downloaded from Kaggle The first scatter plot will use matplotlib to display the Antarctica penguins species and compare their culmen (beak) length and depth.


Load the dataset into a DataFrame

Write code to use pandas to read the CSV data into a DataFrame (df_p) and then write a statement create a second dataframe where the NaN records are Dropped.

Python Data output

Code for second dataframe dropping the NaN values & resetting the index.

Python dataframe DropNA for NaN values

Matplotlib Scatter Plot - Create a list of species from the dataframe for the Legend. Code the scatterplot with the values for the dataframe culmen Length (X-axis) and the culmen depth (Y-axis) by Penguin Species. s = the size of the marker in points. c = a 2 dimensional array for the colors plotted. plt.legend produces the scatter plot with labels and Title.

matplotlib scatterplot

Seaborn Scatter Plot - Using the same dataframe, df_penguin, the Seaborn scatterplot code requires the x-axis and y-axis values columns from the dataframe and the Hue to color the data separately for each species.

Seaborn scatterplot

Seaborn Scatterplot with Linear Regression Model - Create the code to output the chart to include the Size, Title, Y-Axis, and data for

Seaborn Scatterplot + Linear Regression model code

Using the same code for the sns.lmplot, this example uses markers to differentiate the Species (^ = Triangle, s = Square, * = Star). The color palettes information may be found on the seaborn website: http://

Seaborn Scatterplot + LM code including markers and palette

Custom Scatterplot Legend - additional scatterplot with missing information.

Write code to produce a scatterplot to display the differences in Culmen length & depth by the sex of the Penguins. The output appears to have a value of "." for the Sex of one of the dataframe records.

Penguin Body Mass by Species & Sex

The issue with the additional value in the dataframe is confirmed.

DataFrame with additional value of '.'

Create a Custom Legend to account for this missing data using a List for the Legend.

Lists of legend values for plot

Custom Scatterplots using "Row" - An alternate method would be to generate a clean dataframe to create the scatterplots.

Cleansed dataframe version for penguins lmplot

Using the addition of the Row in the lmplot, 2 separate scatterlots are produced - one for male penguins, one for female penguins.

2 grids - one for Male penguins, one for Female penguins