Coding for Kids
Froggy Bug Eater - Scratch Project
Assignment: This project guides students step by step through the programming logic necessary to build an interactive and fun "frogger" type game. The object of the game is to get the frog across the road to "eat" the bugs without touching any of the moving cars. Player scores one point for every bug eaten. It's "Game Over" if the frog touches any car.
Tutorial Download: froggy-bug-eater-tutorial.pdf
Step by Step Froggy Bug Eater Tutorial
Programming Concepts Covered: Loops, randomization, variables, conditional statements, debugging.

Students create the road that the frog will try to cross to get the bugs.
Students choose some cars and add a forever loop to move the cars on the road.
Students choose two insects and add simple conditional statements to hide the insects when they get eaten, and to show a new insect to be eaten.
Students test their game, and debug their code as necessary.
Create the Background

Add the Cars and their Code

Add the Insects and their Code

Play Your Game

Tutorial Download: froggy-bug-eater-tutorial.pdf