Fifth Grade Technology Lessons - Qtr. 2
Touch Typing, Coding, Word Processing
Fifth Grade Technology Lessons focus on (Qtr.1) - typing skills development and spreadsheet budgets with charts, (Qtr.2) coding and logic games, (Qtr.3) graphics / photo editing , and (Qtr.4) presentations.
In the 2nd Qtr, students continue to develop two hand homerow typing proficiency. Students learn fundamental programming concepts and coding logic. Students also review basic word processing skills by writing holiday related poems.
Coding Connections to Common Core Mathematical Practices:
- Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them
- Reason abstractly and quantitatively
- Use appropriate tools strategically
- Attend to precision
- Look for and make use of structure
- Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning
- Typing Lessons: Focus on typing accuracy, proper finger placement, not speed. Speed will be acquired naturally over time in the future months and years of typing lessons. However, if you need a benchmark of Words Per Minute typed, then I use about 5 words per minute per grade level. That means Fifth graders aim for typing about 25 words per minute on average.
- File Distribution: Share assignment files using a cloud storage service, your school's learning management system, or a shared network drive on your school's internal network.
- Enrichment: Use the enrichment activities to support regular classroom curricula. Good for early finishers, late arrivals, supplementation, differentiation.
- Time Management: These weekly lessons are programmed for 2 weekly sessions of 45 minutes each. Adjust the activity selections according to your own needs.
Week 1 - Qtr. 2 - Fifth Grade
Session 1:
Typing | Enrichment
- Assign Typing Practice
- Assign 3 Minutes of: Typing Rocket Jr. Try to get a final score of 60 points or more.
- Assign: Keyboard Climber. Type with both hands. FINISH level three.
- Assign Enrichment - Students work on these enrichment activities after typing.
Assign 25-30 minutes or until done.
Week 1 - Qtr. 2 - Fifth Grade
Session 2:
Coding | Enrichment
Coding with / Hour of Code
- In Advance: Teachers sign up to (Free)
- In Advance: Teachers - Go to the teacher dashboard and "add a new classroom section" for 5th grade. Select the "classic maze" course to assign. The classic maze is part of the Hour of Code (beginner coding activities) curriculum at Save your choices. Next, add your students to the course. Finally, generate and print the student login cards info.
- Demo how to solve a few of the Hour of Code programming puzzles.
- Assign Coding: Students go to their assigned Hour of Code course URL (on the student login cards info) and login. Students work at their own pace.
- Assign Enrichment - Students work on these enrichment activities after completing coding assignment.
Classic Maze - This is a game-like, self-directed tutorial starring video lectures by Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and coding with Angry Birds and Plants vs. Zombies. Learn repeat-loops, conditionals, and basic algorithms.
Week 2 - Qtr. 2 - Fifth Grade
Session 1:
Typing | Enrichment
- Assign Typing Practice
- Assign 3 Minutes of: Typing Rocket Jr. Try to get a final score of 60 points or more.
- Assign: Keyboard Climber. Type with both hands. FINISH level three.
- Assign Enrichment - Students work on these enrichment activities after typing.
Assign 25-30 minutes or until done.
Week 2 - Qtr. 2 - Fifth Grade
Session 2:
Coding | Enrichment
Coding with / 5th Grade Course
- In Advance: Teachers - Sign in to, review the course catalog for elementary students and find the current course recommended for 5th grade.
- In Advance: Teachers - add a new classroom section to assign the recommended 5th grade course for your students. Next, add your students to the course. Finally, generate and print the student login cards info.
- Assign Coding: provide students with the login info for the recommended 5th grade coding course you assigned. Students login and work at their own pace.
- Assign Enrichment - Students work on these enrichment activities after completing coding assignment.
The recommended grade level course will be more comprehensive than an Hour of Code course. Students will usually need to work on this course over several class sessions.
Teachers - Have your students' usernames and passwords list available for this class course.

Week 3 - Qtr. 2: Fifth Grade
Session 1:
Typing | Enrichment
- Assign Typing Practice
- Assign 3 Minutes of: Typing Rocket Jr. Try to get a final score of 60 points or more.
- Assign: Keyboard Climber. Type with both hands. FINISH level three.
- Assign Enrichment - Students work on these enrichment activities after typing.
Assign 25-30 minutes or until done.
Week 3 - Qtr. 2: Fifth Grade
Session 2:
Coding | Enrichment
- Assign Coding - Students continue working on full course for 5th Grade at
- Assign Enrichment - Students work on these enrichment activities after completing coding assignment.
Teachers - Have your students' usernames and passwords list available for this class course.

Week 4 - Qtr. 2: Fifth Grade
Session 1:
Typing | Enrichment
- Assign Typing Practice
- Assign 3 Minutes of: Typing Rocket Jr. Try to get a final score of 60 points or more.
- Assign: Keyboard Climber. Type with both hands. FINISH level three.
- Assign Enrichment - Students work on these enrichment activities after typing.
Assign 25-30 minutes or until done.
Week 4 - Qtr. 2: Fifth Grade
Session 2:
Coding | Enrichment
- Assign Coding - Students continue working on full course for 5th Grade at
- Hour of Code Enrichment - Students work on an Hour of Code activity after completing full coding course assignment.
- Assign Enrichment - Students work on these enrichment activities when finished.
Teachers - Have your students' usernames and passwords list available for this class course.

In Advance: Teachers - add a new classroom section in to assign a Minecraft Hour of Code course for your students. Next, add your students to the course. Finally, generate and print the student login cards info.
Week 5 - Qtr. 2: Fifth Grade
Session 1:
Typing | Enrichment
- Assign Typing Practice
- Assign 3 Minutes of: Typing Rocket Jr. Try to get a final score of 60 points or more.
- Assign: Keyboard Climber. Type with both hands. FINISH level three.
- Assign Enrichment - Students work on these enrichment activities after typing.
Assign 25-30 minutes or until done.
Week 5 - Qtr. 2: Fifth Grade
Session 2:
Coding | Enrichment
- Assign Coding - Students continue working on full course for 5th Grade at
- Hour of Code Enrichment - Students work on an Hour of Code activity after completing full coding course assignment.
- Assign Enrichment - Students work on these enrichment activities when finished.
Teachers - Have your students' usernames and passwords list available for this class course.

In Advance: Teachers - add a new classroom section in to assign a Dance Party Hour of Code course for your students. Next, add your students to the course. Finally, generate and print the student login cards info.
Week 6 - Qtr. 2: Fifth Grade
Session 1:
Typing | Enrichment
- Assign Typing Practice
- Assign 3 Minutes of: Typing Rocket Jr. Try to get a final score of 60 points or more.
- Assign: Keyboard Climber. Type with both hands. FINISH level three.
- Assign Enrichment - Students work on these enrichment activities after typing.
Assign 25-30 minutes or until done.
Week 6 - Qtr. 2: Fifth Grade
Session 2:
Coding | Enrichment
- Assign Coding - Students continue working on full course for 5th Grade at
- Hour of Code Enrichment - Students work on an Hour of Code activity after completing full coding course assignment.
- Assign Enrichment - Students work on these enrichment activities when finished.
Teachers - Have your students' usernames and passwords list available for this class course.

In Advance: Teachers - add a new classroom section in to assign a Star Wars Hour of Code course for your students. Next, add your students to the course. Finally, generate and print the student login cards info.
Week 7 - Qtr. 2: Fifth Grade
Session 1:
Typing | Enrichment
- Assign Typing Practice
- Assign 3 Minutes of: Typing Rocket Jr. Try to get a final score of 60 points or more.
- Assign: Keyboard Climber. Type with both hands. FINISH level three.
- Assign Enrichment - Students work on these enrichment activities after typing.
Assign 25-30 minutes or until done.
Week 7 - Qtr. 2: Fifth Grade
Session 2:
Coding | Enrichment
- Assign Coding - Students continue working on full course for 5th Grade at
- Hour of Code Enrichment - Students work on an Hour of Code activity after completing full coding course assignment.
- Assign Enrichment - Students work on these enrichment activities when finished.
Teachers - Have your students' usernames and passwords list available for this class course.

In Advance: Teachers - add a new classroom section in to assign a Frozen Hour of Code course for your students. Next, add your students to the course. Finally, generate and print the student login cards info.
Week 8 - Qtr. 2: Fifth Grade
Session 1:
Typing | Enrichment
- Assign Typing Practice
- Assign 3 Minutes of: Typing Rocket Jr. Try to get a final score of 60 points or more.
- Assign: Keyboard Climber. Type with both hands. FINISH level three.
- Assign Enrichment - Students work on these enrichment activities after typing.
Assign 25-30 minutes or until done.
Week 8 - Qtr. 2: Fifth Grade
Session 2:
Coding | Enrichment
- Assign Coding - Students continue working on full course for 5th Grade at
- Hour of Code Enrichment - Students work on an Hour of Code activity after completing full coding course assignment.
- Assign Enrichment - Students work on these enrichment activities when finished.
Teachers - Have your students' usernames and passwords list available for this class course.

In Advance: Teachers - add a new classroom section in to assign a Flappy Bird Hour of Code course for your students. Next, add your students to the course. Finally, generate and print the student login cards info.
Week 9 - Qtr. 2: Fifth Grade
Session 1:
Typing | Enrichment
- Assign Typing Practice
- Assign 3 Minutes of: Typing Rocket Jr. Try to get a final score of 60 points or more.
- Assign: Keyboard Climber. Type with both hands. FINISH level three.
- Assign Enrichment - Students work on these enrichment activities after typing.
Assign 25-30 minutes or until done.
Week 9 - Qtr. 2: Fifth Grade
Session 2:
Coding | Enrichment
- Assign Coding - Students continue working on full course for 5th Grade at
- Hour of Code Enrichment - Students work on an Hour of Code activity after completing full coding course assignment.
- Assign Enrichment - Students work on these enrichment activities when finished.
Teachers - Have your students' usernames and passwords list available for this class course.

In Advance: Teachers - add a new classroom section in to assign a Lightbot Hour of Code course for your students. Next, add your students to the course. Finally, generate and print the student login cards info.