Happy Mother's Day Acrostic
Assignment: Students create a Happy Mother's day acrostic letter. Students think creatively to develop the phrases for the acrostic poem in addition to creating a nice looking final letter. Students change the font style and size of their writing so that it fills up the page without going onto a second page. Students search for appropriate clipart and properly position and size the clipart. Students add decorations as their skill and software features permit.
Grade K +

Mother's Day Acrostic - Simpler Variation
This one uses the shapes feature instead of the clipart. Shapes can be easier to position than clipart since they don't require text wrapping to be applied. The letters that spell Mother are not emphasized by changing the individual letter size or by using bold.

Mother's Day Acrostic - Simplest Variation
This acrostic is simplified by requiring only basic text formatting such as centering the title and increasing the size of the font to better fill the page. A single and simple heart is made by inserting shapes instead of clipart .