Extinct, Endangered, and Threatened Animals
Assignment: Students research the internet for information about extinct, endangered and threatened animals. Students collect several images of animals in each classification. Students create a 4 slide Powerpoint / Google Slides / Keynote presentation using their research and images.
Download: extinct-endangered-threatened-animals.docx
Conduct short research projects that build knowledge about a topic. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3.7 Introduce a topic and group related information together; include illustrations when useful to aiding comprehension. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3.2.A
Download: rubric-for-slide-presentations.pdf
Title Slide - Extinct, Endangered, Threatened
Students create a title "Extinct, Endangered, Threatened" and add some related images. Students add their name.

Slide 2 - Extinct
Students create a title "Extinct". Students research the internet to find information about the meaning of extinction. Students add 2 or more images of extinct animals.

Slide 3 - Endangered
Students create the title "Endangered". Students research the internet to find the meaning of endangered animals . Students add 2 or more images of endangered animals.

Slide 4 - Threatened
Students create the title "Threatened". Students research the internet to find information about threatened animals. Students add 2 or more images of threatened animals.

Student Instructions