iPad - Butterfly Lifecycle Mini Poster
This fun and creative project allows students to use an iPad and the free "Pic Collage" app to create a mini poster of the butterfly lifecycle. Young students can quickly and easily find butterfly lifecycle pictures by scanning the QR codes on the handout included below.
Distance / Online Learning: Students with iPads could create their butterfly lifecycle project and easily submit the finished picture digitally for teacher review.
Download: butterfly-lifecyle-pictures-qr-website-codes.docx
Download: ipad-butterfly-lifecycle-mini-poster-instructions.docx
Butterfly Lifecycle Pictures Mini Poster Finished Example:
Students use the iPad app "Pic Collage" to create the butterfly lifecycle. Students add text boxes, images, and arrows to create their mini poster. Students can find a variety of arrow pictures by searching internet images for "arrows."

Butterfly Lifecycle Picture QR Codes for Scanning:

iPad Butterfly Lifecycle Mini Poster Instructions: