Common Core
Insect Research Graphic Organizer
Assignment: Students conduct a short research project about an insect. Students download and open the graphic organizer in Microsoft Word or compatible word processor. Students use the organizer to guide their research about their chosen insect. Students locate and insert an image of their insect in the graphic organizer.
Download: common-core-insect-research-graphic-organizer.docx
Online Version: Here
Insect Research Graphic Organizer

Conduct short research projects that build knowledge about a topic. Common Core - CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.3.7
Insect Research Finished Example

Research Graphic Organizers
Online Graphic
Organizer Generators
Use these easy and fun online research graphic organizers to guide research about a chosen subject. Customizable with a variety of background choices and font styles. Print finished research or save as .pdf to go paperless!