Excel Halloween Costume
Donations Spreadsheet and Chart
Assignment: Students at your school have convinced a major Halloween costume company to donate a variety of costumes for needy children in their community. Each student can choose 7 or more types of costumes from the Halloween Costume List to donate to the children. Students add their costume choices and the quantities into an Excel spreadsheet. Students use their information to create a bar or column chart.
Download: excel-halloween-costume-donations-chart-finished-example.xlsx
Halloween Excel Chart - Finished Example:

Download: excel-halloween-costumes-list.pdf
Excel Halloween Costume List:
Download and make this available for students to use when creating their spreadsheet and chart.

This Excel Lesson Teaches
the Following Basic Skills:
- Entering data in columns and rows.
- Using Merge and Center to merge cells while centering the title.
- Using different colors for chart bars to improve visual presentation
- Creating, sizing, and positioning the chart to fit on a single page with the data.
- Searching, inserting, sizing, and positioning clipart or pictures.
- Using print preview and print.
Download: rubric-for-spreadsheet-with-chart.pdf
Excel Spreadsheet Rubric for Grading Assignments