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Google Sheets Lesson Plan
Camping Trip Expenses Spreadsheet

Assignment: Students create a camping trip expenses spreadsheet with a chart. Students use a camping trip supply list to buy items online and tally their expenses. Students create a chart illustrating their expenses.

Google Sheets Camping Expense
Budget & Chart Finished Example

 Camping Expense Budget & Chart - Finished Example

Camping Trip Supplies List:

Students can download this supplies list and use the items on the list to create their spreadsheet data.

Camping Trip Supplies Price List

Download: google-sheets-camping-trip-supplies-price-list

Student Instructions: Google Sheets
Camping Trip Expense Spreadsheet and Chart

Students use these instructions to guide their Google spreadsheets creations.

Student Instructions: Google Sheets - Camping Trip Expense Spreadsheet and Chart

Download: google-sheets-camping-expense-spreadsheet-student-instructions

Students Learn and Practice
the Following Basic Spreadsheet Skills:

  • Creating and formatting a spreadsheet title using "merge and center"
  • Entering data in columns and rows
  • Using the simple formula "SUM" to automatically calculate total expenses
  • Formatting numbers as currency and adding $ signs.
  • Creating a chart using the expense data entered.
  • Using different colors for chart segments to improve visual presentation
  • Creating, sizing, and positioning the chart to fit on a single page with the data
  • Searching, inserting, sizing, and positioning a related image
  • Using print preview and printing

Spreadsheet Rubric for Grading Assignments

Excel Spreadsheet Rubric for Grading Assignments

Download: rubric-for-spreadsheet-with-chart.pdf