Excel Spreadsheet and Chart
What is Your Favorite Subject?
Assignment: Students create a simple spreadsheet and chart illustrating their classmates' favorite subjects. Teachers poll students with a show of hands of their favorite subjects choosing from Math, Reading, Science, Art, or Other. Students then use the tally results with a spreadsheet program to create a chart illustrating the results of their favorite subjects.
Download: excel-what-is-your-favorite-subject-chart.xlsx
What is Your Favorite Subject?
Finished Spreadsheet & Chart Example:
Students use the tally total results to create a simple chart. Skills to Master: Students should format the title with a font color, style and larger size. Students should use "merge and center" to spread the title across several columns. Students should use additional formatting to change the colors of each bar on the chart. Students should add clipart or images and use "Print Preview" to ensure that everything will fit on a single page before printing.

Download: what-is-your-favorite-subject-tally-sheet.pdf
What is Your Favorite Subject? Tally Sheet:
Teachers can poll the class and take the tallies, or print sheets for the students to take the tallies and practice their data collection accuracy skills.

Download: rubric-for-spreadsheet-with-chart.pdf
Excel Spreadsheet Rubric for Grading Assignments