Animal Homes - PowerPoint Activity
Assignment: Students research the internet to find information about an animal's home. Students provide two or more reasons their chosen animal needs a home. Students describe their chosen animal's homes and explain how the animal builds or finds homes.
Download: animal-homes-student-handout.docx
Conduct short research projects that build knowledge about a topic. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3.7 Introduce a topic and group related information together; include illustrations when useful to aiding comprehension. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3.2.A
Download: rubric-for-slide-presentations.pdf
Slide 1 - Animal Homes - (Animal's Name)
Students add a title "Animal Homes" (Animal's Name). Students give two or more reasons the animal needs a home. Students add one or more images of the animal's home. Students add their name.

Slide 2 (Animal's Name) Homes
Students add a title "(Animal's Name) Homes". Students describe the animal's home. Students add information about how the animal builds or find homes. Students add one or more images of the animal's home.

Slide 3 Interesting Facts about (Animal's Name) Homes
Students add a title "Interesting Facts about (Animal's Name) Homes". Students add two or more interesting facts about the animal's home. Students add one or more images of the animal's home.

Animal Homes - (Animal's Name) Student Handout