Excel Spreadsheet and Chart
How do You Get to School ?
Assignment: Students create a simple spreadsheet and chart illustrating how classmates get to school. Teachers poll students with a show of hands on how they get to school; by bus, car, walking, or other method. Students then use the tally results with a spreadsheet program to create a chart illustrating the results of how their classmates get to school.
Download: how-do-you-usually-get-to-school-spreadsheet-example.xlsx
How Do You Usually Get to School?
Finished Spreadsheet & Chart Example:

Download: how-do-you-usually-get-to-school-tally-sheet.pdf
Get to School Tally Sheet:
Teachers can poll the class and take the tallies, or print sheets for the students to take the tallies and practice their data collection accuracy skills.

Download: rubric-for-spreadsheet-with-chart.pdf
Excel Spreadsheet Rubric for Grading Assignments