Google Classroom
Animal Research Graphic Organizer
Students conduct a short research project about an animal. Students use this graphic organizer to guide their research about their chosen animal.
Download: google-classroom-graphic-organizer-animal-research
Google Classroom Template:
Animal Research Graphic Organizer

Research Graphic Organizers
Online Graphic
Organizer Generators
Use these easy and fun online research graphic organizers to guide research about a chosen subject. Customizable with a variety of background choices and font styles. Print finished research or save as .pdf to go paperless!
This template is great for use with Chromebooks, Google Classroom, and distance learning!
Usage: Students download the graphic organizer and make a personal copy for themselves.
To Download: Sign in to your school gmail account. This is a GOOGLE slides template. You MUST be signed into a gmail account to download it. While signed in to your Google / Gmail account, click the download link, then choose "Make a copy" when prompted. This will put a copy of the graphic organizer directly in your Google Drive storage.
If you tried to download this template but instead you seem to be stuck with a "View Only" copy in your browser that says "Request Edit Access" or similar, then stop right there. Find and click "File" on the top menu, (top left?) and then choose to "Make a copy". That will get you a copy that is editable.