California Chumash Indians - PowerPoint
Assignment: Students research the internet to find information about the California Chumash Indians, Chumash homes, Chumash food and Chumash clothing. Students find several images related to the Chumash Indians, their homes, foods, and clothing. Students create an interesting and informative PowerPoint presentation using their images and research information.
Download: chumash-indians-student-instructions-powerpoint
Conduct short research projects that build knowledge about a topic. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3.7 Introduce a topic and group related information together; include illustrations when useful to aiding comprehension. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3.2.A
Download: rubric-for-slide-presentations.pdf
Slide 1 - California Chumash Indians
Students add a title "California Chumash Indians".
Students add information or a map about the Chumash Indians geographical location in California. Students add their name.

Slide 2 Chumash Homes
Students add a title “Chumash Homes”. Students add two or more facts about the type of homes the Chumash Indians lived in. Students add two or more images of traditional Chumash homes.

Slide 3 Chumash Food
Students add a title “Chumash Food”. Students add two or more facts about the types of foods the Chumash Indians ate. Students add two or more images of types of foods Chumash Indians ate.

Slide 4 Chumash Clothing
Students add a title “Chumash Clothing”. Students add two or more facts about the types of clothing, shoes or jewelry the Chumash Indians wore. Students add two or more images of the types clothing, shoes or jewelry the Chumash Indians wore.

Chumash PowerPoint Student Instructions